Finding a replacement shade

My hallway light fitting suffered an accident whilst a new fridge was being delivered. The delivery company did offer to replace it but I wanted to see if I could replace just the one broken shade.

Hallway light with one broken shade

The challenge is often finding spare parts for any fix. The shop where I had originally bought it no longer stocks this light fitting and did not sell replacement shades.

Lamp shade that needed to be matched

Searching the on the world wide web is a skill and often success is based on getting the right search terms. I tried spherical light shade and variants of these terms without success. This light using the commonly available G9 bulbs and searching for G9 threaded light shade was the key to finding a replacement, this took me to an eBay seller who sold a very similar item for £5.99, much cheaper than the £20 to replace the whole light fitting and throw away the old one. A few weeks later the replacement arrived

This could be quickly installed, though the opacity is not exactly the same as the others it is close enough not to be noticed most of the time.

Replacement shade in place


Whilst writing this blog, as an afterthought I tried Google Image Search which allows you to upload a picture and search for similar things

I search using the picture of the shade from earlier in this blog and was surprised to see it when straight to the right items. Next time I will try the image search for the part I need.

Google Image for the Shade