I recently broke my pannier bag for my bike, the rivet that holds the bracket to the bag pulled through the bag.
Repair Attempt 1 – New Pop Rivet
Repair Cafe Gosport hosts its events at the Make Gosport community Maker Space. This is a wonderful facility that ensures a wide range of tools and facilities are available without the need for volunteer repairers to invest in their own tools. At the event in March, I had time to attempt to use a pop rivet to repair the bag.
Unfortunately, this was not successful as the rivets just pulled through again.
Repair Attempt 2 – Nut and Bolt
The second attempt used a pan head bolt and nut that I had left over from a previous project, I was able to include a washer on the inside to minimize the chance of it pulling through again. To tighten the nut I had to make creative use of a screwdriver, as the space was too small for a socket. I also put a small quantity of epoxy glue on the thread to ensure it did not work loose in use.
Once the glue had dried the bag was back in use again.